On the subject of Eva Braun, I think a special nod should go to Rene’ from Sacramento, who paints a powerfully romantic picture of tragi-erotic, bodice-ripping, trouser straining, bitch slapping, eagle-nesting, frog marching, alpine- scented drama that really belongs on the stage, or at least a book jacket.
If she accepts my invitation, we shall have schnitzels and attempt to annex each other’s Chłodnik.
“All these images: An average, attractive young German girl, of tender, impressionable age, drawn under the spell of a charismatic, but demoniacal tyrant, seduced into the evil heart of Nazism. And tragically for her, In binding her fate to him, she doomed her life. Having rose to the spacious Bavarian heights of power, with Hitler's ascendancy, she had her moments of glory. But, in turn of years, and with approach of the lightning-flashed, violent storm-winds, she faithfully followed him in his downward plunge from the "Eagle's Nest" of alpine scent, as his nightmare-dream was being enveloped in fire. Down, down they fell into the spartan gloom of an underground, windowless tomb, with its stale, confining stench. [] A mind-gripping fatal attraction was here demise. [] It is sad to ponder this young woman's fall into a kind of "Hell". Seduced by delusional madness--a face of evil surrounded by darkness. But its a choice she made, one which ended in the engulfing flame! - Rene', Sacramento, USA, 10/3/2011 11:51”
I think this story has legs, and my assistants were good enough to mock up a possible book cover in advance of my approach to major publishers.
Roughly he looked onto her eyes with passion, and yet evil. She looked at him with confusion and yet certainty- certainty that they would reach the loftiest peaks, and yet the darkest depths of “Hell”!