Sunday, 11 March 2012

You may now bum the bride

Disgraceful: The Bible says Adam and EVE, not DAVID and JIM from GUILDFORD!

There are some things in life which are not for debate, and one of them is the definition of marriage. However, when some leading Catholics call for it’s protection, the Liberal Media gets on its high-horse about so-called “equality”!

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided." And the best way to avoid unjust discrimination is to deny them equal rights. END OF.
20.  GhostOfEnoch Guess what, gays can do what they want to each other, but behind closed doors, civil partnerships may be ok, but marriage is between a MAN and a WOMAN. END OF.
I’m guessing too, GhostOfEnoch, and I am absolutely disgusted at what I imagine they get up to! However, I will defend to the death their right to do it, and insert what they will, where they want, even if it’s still alive as long as they put down plastic sheeting to protect the carpet from all the honey, and baby oil and warm, runny chocolate. This conversation is over.
221. Schism The Church recognizes homosexuality as disordered, this does not mean that the Church is uncompassionate to those who suffer from the disorder.
We must pity those who are disordered, of course, as it’s a disease. Maybe one day they’ll be orderly enough to believe the world was made by an invisible wizard who won’t let me into an everlasting afterlife if I’ve been eating bacon.
253. Hugh Oxford If this proposal goes ahead, the word "marriage" will have two different and conflicting meanings.
It will mean both the necessary procreative union of a man and a woman AND it's complete opposite, the union of two people of the same sex.
Well, quite. Why would people have sex if not to produce children? There’s simply no incentive, ergo gay marriages can’t exist and marriages that don’t produce children must be dissolved. cynic believes much the same:
366. cynic It requires a mother and a father to produce a child and to be role models for him/her. Any thing else is less than ideal and is likely to lead, ultimately, to the downfall of civilisation. Look at history.
Well, I’ve got to say cynic, I looked at history and you were right - every fallen empire ever recorded had homosexual citizens in it! It’s WEIRD. SPEAKOUT has also been doing their history:
83. SPEAKOUT Marriage has always been between a Man and a Woman since Adam and Eve. That simple.
You can’t argue with that - it says it right there in the Bible! What it didn’t mention was Adam got nervous and fluffed his lines at the alter, which made everybody chuckle, and that the congregation was mainly made up of talking animals without opposable thumbs, so Adam had to tie his own empty baked bean tins to the back of his donkey. Anyway, where was I?
15. Peter Win Fascinating how the world cringes and falls over itself apologising when a few GI's burn a copy of the Koran accidentally - but when one of the sacred rituals of Christendom - marriage - is involved, people feel totally free to castigate the church and rework the meaning of the word marriage as they see fit...
That is fascinating. Those Muslims are always over-reacting, and what sort of monsters come along and hijack existing words, tradition, even festivals and redefine their meaning to suit their agenda? Thank God for Christians is what I say. Anyway, this debate has gone on too long, and Maggie and Norman begat the man to settle the matter:
215. Son of Maggie and Norman Gay marriage is wrong - no debate - it is wrong.
Well I’m glad we got that sorted out. So you want to debate about your lack of equal rights do you Mr Gay Man? Well you can’t! because you’re just wrong. No debate. Shut up. SHUT! UP! YOU MAKE ME UNCOMFORTABLE. I DON’T LIKE THINKING ABOUT IT. SO SHUT UP.
42. blefuscu Marriage is a judeo-christian institution. It derives from natural law. It is the essence of complementarity. The state does not own 'marriage', judeo-christianity does. The state owns 'civil partnerships'. The state has no right to define marriage...only to usurp it to the greater detriment of the community...
Exactly. Marriage is Judeo-Christian. If it wasn’t why does it always happen in a church? .

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