Take for instance this Yahoo answer, which talks about the natural world, whilst raising an issue of God and ethics:
Why did God make it that some animals get eaten alive? Like when lions eat their food?And now look at the answers. First up is life graduate Bill C:
Bill C.Thanks Bill! The reason God makes live animals get eaten is because they eat, humans feel pain and so did Jesus but, saying that, Bill doesn’t know. Meanwhile Rocketso has an alternative theory:
Lindy Lou: Why suffering?
I could say its the food chain. Snakes eats mice, but other things eat snakes.
I could say some human beings suffer terribly in this world also.
I could say that Christ suffered terribly before and on the cross.
But no matter how much we hypothesize, we simply don't know the answers to all questions.
Source(s): Life
rocketso...Of course! Snakes wouldn’t have healthy babies if they don’t eat live animals, and it’s important that they are eaten alive because if they weren’t they couldn’t be eaten and we’d be swimming in mice.
The circle of life is cruel, but the live mice help the snakes hatch healthy baby snakes and also helps the mice population not grow to millions and millions and if there are too many mice, we'd be swimming in them!
Source(s): My third grade teacher, my brain.
Eevee concurs - but adds the mice must be eaten alive because they eat the wheat and stuff like that.
EeveeWith the combined knowledge of the inter-net behind us like this it could one day mean the end of questions altogether, which can only be a good thing. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must repair to the Yahoo page to ask why when Jesus created bees he gave them no teeth.
I guess He wanted the life cycle to keep going on. Like the mice lives off of the wheat and stuff like that and then to make the other survive along with the mice, the mice has to die for a bigger animal to live. i don't know...reallly. But i guess maybe this is the reason.
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