Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Of Mice And Men

With Sky News and CNN focussing on the siege of Mosul, increasing sectarian violence in the Middle East and the security services monitoring facebook, it’s the BBC that had the Big Story with The Return of Dangermouse.

The intellerati in the comments section rightly focussed on the issues that matter i.e. that you can’t bring back Dangermouse because the country’s gone too PC. As belicajur puts it:


3 Hours ago
This will never happen today as Danger Mouse is too white and Penfold isn't black enough. He'll have to change his name to Danga mouse too...

Stonewall will want them to get married in a church, which will make front page news on The Guardian and headlines on the BBC, after first getting kicked out of a B&B for sharing a bed.

Conversely, Piroflip doesn’t think it’ll be Christianity that will make an appearance.

Comment number 139.
1 Hour ago
But in keeping with Dr Who style Political Correctness Penfold will now be female and Dangemouse will have converted to islam.

All this time, Karam is secreting something:

Comment number 42.
3 Hours ago
we can find space to discuss DM but not secrete terror courts where the accused will not be able to hear the evidence put against them.
anyway if its not david jason then its not dm

Relevant comment, Karam. How will we ever know if you’re in favour of secret horror courts if you cannot comment?

Meanwhile, Adrian M Lee has a throwdown for anyone who seeks to censor, suppress or repress his comments about Dangermouse.

Comment number 110.
Adrian M Lee
2 Hours ago
OK, what do I think of Danger Mouse returning? Pants.
Now that I have addressed the subject matter, hopefully my posting won't get censored out (sorry, moderated for being off-topic!)

Proper topics? I’ll tell you this much: if we tolerate the PCing of Dangermouse, then what will be next?

Write to the BBC TODAY, brothers and sisters, before Button Moon and Fraggle Rock are lost to us forever!