Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Roger Helmer's Science Graph

I’ve long been an admirer of Roger Helmer, straight talking MEP climate change denier and world class amateur climate scientist.

His latest data is, as he puts it, the most stunning refutation of global warming hysteria that I have ever seen. And I agree. 

One glance at the best fit lines of literally all the graphs shows without a doubt that the world is in no way warming up. Thank you, Dr Helmer, for freeing us from the fascists who want us all to live in tipis and eat vegetables. There will be nothing but English steak for you at Cuntington Hall.


  1. Humphrey Malgonated5 April 2011 at 10:58

    Bravo, Lord Percy. Clearly, the best fit average temperature line is straight as an arrow. Also, I can clearly see the global temperatures going DOWN during this period. Mind you, my head tilts 15 degrees to the left due to being kicked by a horse as a child.

  2. It seems the temperature is really going up slowly. But It may not a bad thing. As far as I known, the booming in the history all happened in a warmer period. Maybe this is the indicates of another booming.
