And so to the tricky subject of Sharia Law.
I think we can all agree that Sharia Law is disgusting. Nowhere in ENGLISH life do the six principles of Sharia...
1. The right to the protection of life.
2. The right to the protection of family.
3. The right to the protection of education.
4. The right to the protection of religion.
5. The right to the protection of property (access to resources).
6. The right to the protection of human dignity.
...have any place, but worse some foreigner tried to corrupt them further to deny his ex-wife maintenance. Although I fully agree with the subjugation of women and disagree wholeheartedly with the judge’s decision, I was impressed by the way the Intellerati were quick to point out his mistake, in the way only they can. Now, what was that phrase again?
When in Rome you have to act like Romans? - Viscount, Manchester, 26/7/2012 9:12No.
"When in Rome do as the Romans"- Trinity, manchester, 26/7/2012 9:12Closer.
When in Rome as the old saying goes, we need more judges like this- Fed up of Farnborough, Farnborough, 26/7/2012 8:50Possibly not.
When in Rome................ Live with it or leave.- Ken, Portsmouth, UK, 26/7/2012 8:44Warmer.
when in Rome you do as the Romans do or go back to your own country of birth.- Chris, Bangkok, 26/7/2012 10:15WARMER
Well in Rome do as the Romans do. Else return to yr Muslim country or whichever hole you dug out from- Taxpayer, England as was, 26/7/2012 9:49Now that’s more like it!
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