Friday, 30 December 2011

Mistrial and retribution

It’s fair to say that the trial of Anders Breivik raises a lot of questions. Can a psychopath ever fulfil their responsibilities within a social or civil contract? When is a man too mad to stand trial? How could a man so right about the worldwide Jewish/Communist conspiracy do something so wrong?

Luckily, the intellerati of the Sky News comments board are all over it. Following the news that Breivik is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and belongs in a secure psychiatric unit rather than being placed in the general prison population, several commentators have seen through his ruse and have sketched out a roadmap to justice.
“He seems perfectly sane to me...... : /
Execute this poor excuse for a human being.”
Posted by: Smurfeee on November 29, 2011 12:55 PM
Well, you’re the expert, Smurfeee.  Sanity it is.  However what if every terrorist is insane and therefore should not stand trial unless they have the mental capacity to aim a gun in which case they should?
Posted by: alistar on November 29, 2011 4:25 PM
Precisely. Breivik is properly mad BUT should be tried as a sane man if he’s capable of aiming a gun as the ability to pick up objects is proof of mental competence, and especially lest he queer the pitch for other properly mad people who aren’t mad although they’ve been forced to be mad because the hospital is mad and met their girlfriend on a bus:
“He is not Sane. He should be locked up for the rest of his life and they all say they are innocent when they end up in court. It is people like him who are eventually released from a psychiatric hospital that makes it difficult for the mentally ill like me who were forced to have a mental illness and lied about by the N.H.S hospital and are not dangerous that I have no criminal record now for the course i am studying at the moment. My family and the N.H.S Hospital are mentally ill not me. I even have a girl friend who as a similar illness where we met on the bus. I was on a day out and my friend was going to a party on the Saturday we met.”
Posted by: DisccussionFan01 on November 29, 2011 12:22 PM
Legals aside, we turn to the tricky question of sentencing.
“Personally, I would like to see him put on trial and hung.”
Posted by: ADW on November 29, 2011 3:00 PM
Like it. Like it a lot - trial > guilty verdict > hanging. Bish bash bosh, justice served. We should make sure it’s a nice long trial too, to ensure the guilty verdict is more just.

alex mf also has an idea. An idea that just keeps growing and growing…
“Take him for a swim in the Atlantic ocean, make sure it is shark infested, and leave him there. Obviously in January, in the middle of the night.”
Posted by: alex m.f. on November 29, 2011 12:04 PM
That’s more like it.  Put staples under his fingernails too.  And vinegar on the staples. And piss in the vinegar.  And eat some asparagus so your piss smells all funny.

We’re going to need a Plan B though, just in case the quacks get their way and he’s carted off to Bedlam rather than pokey:
“I know it is alot more far reaching, but that said, if he can't be held accountable for the actions, may i ask who can be“
Posted by: Gj73 from Italy on November 29, 2011 11:39 AM
Perfect. No Breivik doesn’t have to mean no hanging – we just need to find someone else to blame.  And hang. With a rough rope.  That’s on fire.  And there are crocodiles under the gallows trap door, swimming in (hot) acid. Crossed with sharks to make Sharkodiles. Only then can we rest, knowing that justice has been done!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Keep your heir on

I was just listening to the radio and I thought “I can’t believe my ears!” So I had an Assistant bring up the BBC website on the inter-net and now I can’t believe my eyes either!

Apparently the Commonwealth has just voted to allow the succession of females to the throne!

Bad move!  This is nothing less than:
“The death blow to civilization!”
701. Viscount 28th October 2011 - 21:54
However, let’s just remain calm here and calmly list some of the reasons women aren’t as good as men.
“If only we could abolish the marxist louts desecrating St Pauls.
But back to the point of the argument, we should leave our monarchy as it is. The queen has done a wonderful job but a male heir carries more gravitas.”
113. nieuw divil 28th October 2011 - 15:07
It would also be good HR practice to send her an official letter stating that her employment has been terminated. “Dear Queen Elizabeth 2nd, Thanks for all your hard work over the past 59 years. Although we recognise that you have strong skills in terms of being Queen Elizabeth 2nd, sadly we felt that you were lacking gravitas when compared to Prince Harry.”

At any rate, we cannot afford to be sentimental about what, for the UK, is largely an operational issue.
“This is hard to take seriously.
The system has worked fine for hundreds of years, why change it now? Men in general have stronger characteristics than women, so are better adept at becoming a head of a throne.
Also men have been statistically been shown to be better with maths and making quick decisions, needed to be an effective monarch.

I ask the question: Why can't she just take a back role?”
38. RJ__02 28th October 2011 - 14:37
Precisely.  A female heir might very well be, like our present monarch, good at waving and wearing hats but what use is she if the Spanish Navy attack Portsmouth again?  I’m not sure even our current Queen is up to the job.  She lacks the gravitas of Prince Charles and statistically has fewer synapses.

I also, disturbingly, found a gentleman who thought this whole debacle to be of little relevance to normal peoples’ lives!  Thankfully, however, although he starts strong...
"Come on the BBC! This is not a top story, this is barely a story - this has no social relevance to anything going on in Britian."
52. Dislikesthings 28th October 2011 - 14:42
… then he goes and spoils it all by saying something stupid like:
“Europe is about to melt, literally, the eastern side of the planet is sinking and this is what you think is the top story.”
And thankfully his following should sink with it.  Although I am quite concerned by this sinking issue, now that he’s mentioned it, and am developing a tension headache on the eastern side of my head.  I’ll leave it to Theophane to finish up, while I find some paracetamol and maybe watch A History Of Britain on a television built by the local vicar.
“There's virtually nothing worthwhile in this country that doesn't owe its existence to the Roman Catholic Church.

Sorry but it's the truth.”
455. Theophane 28th October 2011 - 17:44

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Inciteful social commentary

Out with old Digby on a shoot the other day. He was carping on about the new housing estate being proposed for the edge of town as per usual. “5 million new homes the UK needs!”, he said. “5 million! And do you know why?! Immigrants.”

He was right of course. Housing need has nothing to do with the simple arithmetic of the UK's biggest ever generation being born post WW2 pairing off, and having 2.4 children each with each generation expecting its own house thus creating scarcity, pushing up land values and by extension rents so the average renter is paying 28% more than they would if they had a mortgage not that they can get a mortgage now that the average deposit required is £66,000 and is simply the fault of immigrants.

If they would only send the immigrants home, then old Digby could spend less time defending the natural world from the developers and more time shooting pheasants with me. It was with this in mind that my Assistants helped me to ‘log on’ to the UK Government epetitions website to see if we couldn’t force a debate on the issue in Parliament, when all of a sudden I got a pleasant surprise!

Right there were literally dozens of like-minded souls, ahead of the curve, getting support and changing the policy landscape from the bottom up. I include a small selection below, which I do hope you will vote for -  after all, if they attract 100,000 signatures, they will have to debate the petition in the Commons and the days of the foreign worker will be numbered!

Steve Burton starts us off with his vision for the future of refugee care:

Mainland Europe is not at war, therefore asylum cannot apply to the UK, it's not our problem. Therefore all applications should be treated as bogus.

Created by: Steven Burton, Number of signatures: 2, Closing: 15/08/2012
Therefore he also talks about reform of EU law:
European Law

Revoke all adopted European laws since 1974 including Human rights. Legislation is England's sovereign right and good men have died to keep it that way.

Created by: Steven Burton, Number of signatures: 72, Closing: 05/08/2012
It’s women and children first for Ian Stevens:

All asylum seekers granted entry into the UK should sign up for a 2 year National Service for the country and if needed be required to join the UK Army.Anyone that refuses to serve their new country should be denied access to benefits,lose all rights to British citizenship and the right to remain here and be deported back to their country of origin.

Created by: IAN STEVENS, Number of signatures: 4, Closing: 18/08/2012
Steve Watson wants to reasonably chastise his children without Brussels getting in the way:
The United Kingdom to have its own version of the Human Rights Act

The current Act stops us from handling our own internal affairs. We are being stifled by adhering to laws that the majority of British people would vote against. Agreeing our own set of Human Rights would help us regain control of the following: Police being allowed to use reasonable force to regain control of our streets .Teachers being able to take control of classes .Immigrants /illegal immigrants using the current Act to avoid deportation. Travellers not being "moved on" or taking up permanent residence on other peoples property. Prisoners using the Act to improve their "stay" behind bars. People being prosecuted when taking reasonable action to protect themselves and their property. Parents being threatened by their children when using reasonable chastisement when trying to teach them right from wrong. The above is just a taste of why we should put together our own Human Rights guidelines.

Created by: Steve Watson, Number of signatures: 5, Closing: 16/11/2011
Liam wants it hard and fast:
Age of Consent

The age at which a person is able to give consent to sexual intercourse should be firmly protected by legislation. Judges should have no leaway in interpreting consent if one of the persons involved is under 16. If either person is below 16 then there should be no more than 2 (two) years or 730 (seven hundred and thirty) days, age difference between the them, whichever is the greater. Anything contrary to this should be a hard-and-fast ruling.

Created by: Liam Michael Rafferty, Number of signatures: 3, Closing: 17/08/2012
Steve’s been learning from history:

Throughout history, criminals have been transported or sent to gulag work camps to pay their debt to society. Soft, "big society" rehabilitative justice does not work. Make convicts work for a living by making them contribute to society, paying by blood, sweat, tears and elbow grease. The government should pick underdeveloped rural and deprived inner-city areas to be rejuvenated at no cost to the tax payer, without paying lip service and dividends to the private sector. Such an undertaking would foster a sense of David Cameron's big society, kick-start the local economy, and provide much-needed local services, thus reducing the local carbon footprint.

Created by: steve pugsley, Number of signatures: 2, Closing: 16/08/2012
And Ian’s back for another go with his analysis of the causes of the riots:
Ban Slayer albums outright.

American thrash metal band Slayer have been responsible for some of the most depraved songs to ever have been written and, as the recent riots in England demonstrated, our children are in desperate need of better role models. This petition seeks to encourage the government to ban this outrageous filth once and for all, to give the next generation the chance to develop in a more positive cultural environment.

Created by: Ian Stevens, Number of signatures: 1, Closing: 26/09/2012
You may also enjoy:
Scrap early release for good behavior for all persons in prison
Motorway Middle Lane Hoggers
Stop free education to illegal immigrants children's
debts cancelled after 7 years

Make Big Ben's chimes available as a 24/7 audio stream
Official English Anthem
Benefit & Tax allowance

Friday, 7 October 2011

Pedalling nonsense

Flicking through my local paper recently I was appalled to note that brave David Gilbertson from Fulbourn had his FREEDOM curtailed not once but twice by preaching environmentalists conducting one of their hippie “cycle races”.

You know the sort - not content with peddling Angelic lies about climate change they choose to rub it in our faces by donning Lycra and pedalling as fast as they can down roads, which are for cars, simply in order to assert their moral superiority and placing motorists in the utmost peril.

In one sorry example he was actually forced to slow down to avoid hitting one! My hat is off to you, Sir.

If only there were more heroes like David prepared to commit heresy by suggesting that if we let cyclists cock a snook to road safety it’s only a matter of time before they take over the footpaths and pavements. Imagine it! David has. I blame the Police.
Stop the cyclists taking over

I AM aware that it is tantamount to heresy in our fair city to say anything critical about the two-wheel community. I realise that that they see themselves as angels sent down to live among us in order to demonstrate every day how they are saving the environment for us all - but I feel the need to risk their anger in the interests of road safety.

For the last two Saturdays, cycle racing events have been staged on the A11 between Newmarket and the Four Went Ways junction. At the busiest times, with traffic streaming by at 70mph on a major dual carriageway, Lycra-clad buffoons emerged from the slip roads in both directions, their heads down as they pedalled furiously along, seemingly oblivious to themselves and other road users. Drivers were regularly forced to slow down to avoid them, at great risk to others as they swerved around the cyclists.

On one occasion, an endangered driver had the temerity to sound his horn and received a Victory salute for his pains. Who on earth authorises such a ridiculous activity; The police? The county council?

Surely there must be a process whereby we ordinary mortals can object to cyclists taking over fast dual-carriageways - they already have most of the city as it is. What next, the footpaths and pavements?
I disagree David. You are not an “ordinary mortal”. You are very special indeed.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

That’s why they call me Mr Fahrenheit

Oh dear. It would appear those boffins at CERN have maybe gone and broken the speed of light, except they don’t believe they really have and have farmed the whole thing out to the scientific community for verification.

The fools. They’d have been better running it by the BBC comment board for analysis. In the scientists’ experiments, neutrinos arrived at their destination from their source faster than the speed of light and they are stumped as to why.  Thankfully the BBC spotted this, enabled comments on the story and the helpful suggestions flooded in- had they even considered that the speed of light would be slower when it hit some rocks?  

There are several schools of thought. The speed of light is of course notoriously fickle, so Alison and N94 question the medium the speed of light is travelling in:
“318. Alison
speed of light in vacuum verses speed of light in a medium ( rock ) could explain the results .”
couldnt they check by sending a Neutrino and some light down the same route at the same time and see which one got there first, just to see if it was an error?”
Both good points. It stands to reason that if you fire a number six at some rock it would slow it down to a five as it meets resistance and they should really try that neutrino race idea- just to see if the speed of light is correct or if light actually moves faster/slower than the speed of light.

It’s an idea picked up by fentot and Graham Lyons who writes:
“331. fentot
Maybe we should conclude our value for the speed of light was wrong by a few billionths of a second !!”
“301. Graham Lyons
A few billionths of a second?? Surely 'official' measurements of the speed of light from one year to the next vary by that much. A particle exceeding SoL by 5 or 10% would make me sit up.”
Maybe we should recalculate fentot- doesn’t sound a lot and it ‘s not like it’d change the way we look at our understanding of the universe or anything. And that’s more like it Graham- sticking it to the man with all his “official” figures and fighting back with some Street Physics – seasonal variations in the speed of light, corrupt officials changing the speed of light to suit their grotty ends and any variation of less than 10% can fuck right off- bigger fish to fry, my friend, bigger fish to fry.

Rowald takes it in a spiritual direction :
“300. rowald
Only God can exceed this speed because he can answer our prayers immediately anywhere at any time. Sub atomic particles are not God”
But are they Playing God? The arrogance of neutrinos is well documented, as it that of scientists, eh Pietr8?
“289. pietr8
The advantage of being neither mathematician or physicist is I can speak from a great deal of ignorance.

It has always seemed to me that given enough fuel there is no limit to acceleration and that the top speed must therefore be infinite.

But if speed is relative to something, eg point of departure, that introduces an unnecessary complication into the logic.”
Ah yes, Instinctive Physics- Street Physics’ emotional sister. However, I like the use of “therefore”, which renders it true, especially the part about the unnecessary context COMPLICATING EVERYTHING. I personally am all about unfettered acceleration .Free from start points, end points, limited fuel and the physical limits of the environment to unfettered acceleration.

Meanwhile, Adeel and Al-canfor rail against the blind dogma of science
So how exactly did Einstein come up with that speed of light limit? Is this something deducted from his theories or it's a supposition the whole corpus of relativity is build upon? In other words, the fact that the speed of light is the limit, is a dogma or there is a rationale behind it?”
Quite. Defend yourself Einstein. Do you actually have any maths supporting your so-called “theory” or is this yet more dogma from the “E=MC2” brigade with their unfounded faith?

As I thought- Your silence on the matter speaks volumes.
“13. adeel
I think physics should try to have an open mind to accept new or different things”
Maybe, adeel. Maybe they could even come up with a name for this process and its associated method? But hang on a second- David has some disturbing news:
“183. David
A non scientific idea.
To measure something travielling at the speed of light, the measuring eqipment must work exactly at or above that speed. Problem solved I think, the equipment isn't fast enough.”
Ah. I had no idea! I thought it was possible to fire a beam of light at a point and measure the time it takes to traverse that distance. What a fool I’ve been, and how in hell is CERN going to accelerate Brian Cox to the speed of light so he can use his measuring equipment? Particularly if he were carrying a torch as James Pullen explains:
140. James Pullan
the speed of light is relative to the observer - if you were travelling at the speed of light (if it were possible) and carrying a lit torch, the light from the torch would travel away from you at the speed of light. This is a paradox, because the light from the torch must be travelling at twice the speed of light relative to a stationary observer. we have much to learn about the fundamentals.
We do indeed. With your very first sentence you illustrate the nature of the problem, and if only spacetime were relative you could explain it to me. But what if, also, the problem was science itself?
“60. rideforever
Mysticism ...400,000 years ...did not destroy the planet

Science :.....200 years ....... might destroy the planet

The game is not over yet, but there is a clear leader !”
It’s a good point, in fact I understand that “It wasn’t me, it was the science” is now admissible as a defence in court. But after all that mysticism, who is it that can bring us back to earth with a bump? Over to you, Neverwas:
“152. Neverwas
I'm shocked: I'd expected most comments to point the finger of blame at climate change.”
I bet you say that to all the comments boards Neverwas, but if you reference Alison’s point above you’d know that the Big Freeze we’re due owing to carbon taxes will slow the speed of light as a result of all the icicles.

The whole thing leaves me hungry and exhausted and I'm no closer to understanding the problem. Whilst I figure it out using a calculator, some grease paper and a stopwatch my assistants have been kind enough to create a pictorial representation of the advanced mathematics involved, to further the public understanding of science:

Friday, 9 September 2011

Woe betide the Screamer

Think about your last shopping experience. Now think about the bus ride home. Imagine now walking down your street and finally, remember the last time you sat in your garden.

What was the one thing all of those have in common? Yes, that’s right! People screaming!

Screaming in the shops, screaming on the beaches, screaming in your face, Sir, SCREAMING. IN. YOUR. FACE!

Careless children are getting in the way of my normal frolics - will sanity prevail?

Monday, 5 September 2011

Home economics

I have always been notably uninterested in the plight of those less fortunate than myself, but a letter I read in the paper (tastefully reproduced below) recently gave me pause for thought. How can the poor, who can only afford fruit and vegetables, be expected to eat healthily?

The poor sods are only looking to get their protein, but are forced to eat the sugar and fat added to their non-fresh fish and meat.

So the next time you see a fat person eating a McDonalds, why not stop and present them with a nice fresh sirloin and let’s get Britain eating healthily again?

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Awry look at the headlines

Well, we English have certainly enjoyed bombing all those Libyans over the past few months, but it will all have been for nothing if Gaddafi isn’t brutalised by Italians. It is in my opinion more appropriate that he is taken to the Hague to stand trial, rather than an English Magistrates court as if he was he’d be given a cushy prison cell with a television and Wii and a Playstation then let out on remand with £50 and given a house and some free benefits!

So in thrall are we to the European Court of Human Rights, we must turn to non-European countries such as France to undertake his torture and execution. David Quarrie feels the same way and, as he’s inviting Libyans to kill their former leader, I will be inviting him to a slap-up dinner at the Hall!

Go on Rebecca

It would appear that I was wrong about nurse Rebecca Leighton, whom I judged guilty of killing patients with a saline drip after reviewing the case on the television. I must apologise to her friends and elderly parents for the inclement letters I sent to them, and the anonymous charges of child molestation I levelled against her sister. It would appear she is innocent.

The news she wants to sue the police is nevertheless unsettling, as years ago there was no such thing as compensation - indeed it only bubbled into existence in 2050 BC. The Americanisation of the world in the time since remains one of the more outrageous legacies of the last Labour government and I’m delighted to say I’ve found someone who shares my point of view.

Meet ianston, who further explores the ground rules for ethical compensation i.e. compensation destroys everything, if you’re a foreigner, but then again she’s British, the Police are inept now he’s left the force and she’s going to need some cash to escape the UK now its seceded from the 1st world. 

Go on Rebecca - save yourself and move abroad before you're surrounded by foreigners!
"Years ago there was no such thing as compensation! This American culture is destroying everything, from social to working environments and everything in between. However, in my working profession I have seen the majority of claimants to be foreigners and so it makes a change that someone is going to sue and that someone is actually British! As for the Police, I can safely say that across the country, certainly for the Met, they are not the same efficient force of years ago. Fast tracking a PC to be a detective after about a year on the street. Recruiting people that would not have even got past the application stage years ago and having more concern with regards to PR, than fighting crime, all adds to a mess of a Police force, much like country! So go on Rebecca, sue, get the million and get leave for a better life away from this third world mess!"