Luckily, the intellerati of the Sky News comments board are all over it. Following the news that Breivik is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and belongs in a secure psychiatric unit rather than being placed in the general prison population, several commentators have seen through his ruse and have sketched out a roadmap to justice.
“He seems perfectly sane to me...... : /Well, you’re the expert, Smurfeee. Sanity it is. However what if every terrorist is insane and therefore should not stand trial unless they have the mental capacity to aim a gun in which case they should?
Execute this poor excuse for a human being.”
Posted by: Smurfeee on November 29, 2011 12:55 PM
“ALL TERRORISTS ARE INSANE- IF THEY HAVE THE MENTAL CAPACITY TO PICK UP AIM A GUN I'M SURE THEY HAVE THE MENTAL CAPACITY TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!”Precisely. Breivik is properly mad BUT should be tried as a sane man if he’s capable of aiming a gun as the ability to pick up objects is proof of mental competence, and especially lest he queer the pitch for other properly mad people who aren’t mad although they’ve been forced to be mad because the hospital is mad and met their girlfriend on a bus:
Posted by: alistar on November 29, 2011 4:25 PM
“He is not Sane. He should be locked up for the rest of his life and they all say they are innocent when they end up in court. It is people like him who are eventually released from a psychiatric hospital that makes it difficult for the mentally ill like me who were forced to have a mental illness and lied about by the N.H.S hospital and are not dangerous that I have no criminal record now for the course i am studying at the moment. My family and the N.H.S Hospital are mentally ill not me. I even have a girl friend who as a similar illness where we met on the bus. I was on a day out and my friend was going to a party on the Saturday we met.”Legals aside, we turn to the tricky question of sentencing.
Posted by: DisccussionFan01 on November 29, 2011 12:22 PM
“Personally, I would like to see him put on trial and hung.”Like it. Like it a lot - trial > guilty verdict > hanging. Bish bash bosh, justice served. We should make sure it’s a nice long trial too, to ensure the guilty verdict is more just.
Posted by: ADW on November 29, 2011 3:00 PM
alex mf also has an idea. An idea that just keeps growing and growing…
“Take him for a swim in the Atlantic ocean, make sure it is shark infested, and leave him there. Obviously in January, in the middle of the night.”That’s more like it. Put staples under his fingernails too. And vinegar on the staples. And piss in the vinegar. And eat some asparagus so your piss smells all funny.
Posted by: alex m.f. on November 29, 2011 12:04 PM
We’re going to need a Plan B though, just in case the quacks get their way and he’s carted off to Bedlam rather than pokey:
“I know it is alot more far reaching, but that said, if he can't be held accountable for the actions, may i ask who can be“Perfect. No Breivik doesn’t have to mean no hanging – we just need to find someone else to blame. And hang. With a rough rope. That’s on fire. And there are crocodiles under the gallows trap door, swimming in (hot) acid. Crossed with sharks to make Sharkodiles. Only then can we rest, knowing that justice has been done!
Posted by: Gj73 from Italy on November 29, 2011 11:39 AM